Monday 5 December 2016

Risk Assessments

We have used PowToon to create this presentation to give us an idea of what the risks may be when filming in our different locations. This is important as it means we can solve any of the problems and watch out for them before they happen/cause any harm. 


Friday 2 December 2016

Location Contracts

Before filming we needed to get permission to use the locations we wanted to use that were not public. We used these forms and our emails to get permission and to make sure the locations were available when we needed them.

Thursday 1 December 2016

PhotoShoot for cover schedule

I have created this chart to make me organised when taking my photos. 


This script is for the parts set in the 1980S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
J: Jess

Scene Six: Dance Class

Will and Darcy are at the back of the class.
Women are packing up.

W: Why didn't you let me go and speak to her!
D: Have you not seen the film 'About Time'? It just seems to dangerous. We can't mess with time!
W: What are you talking about? She was my Grandma! 
(Slowly getting louder when talking to each other causing the women to notice)
Music stops.
Will and Darcy look at each other unsure.
J: Who are you two? 
W: Wait, Mum? What are you doing here?
J: I'm not your mum? I'm the same age as you!
D: Will I don't think this is a good idea

Wednesday 30 November 2016


This script is for the parts set in the 1950S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
N: Nancy 

Will and Darcy are standing in the corner. 
Extras are sitting at table playing cards. 
Doors open and Nancy walks in towards extras table.
Nancy hands over prom flyers to Extras. 
Nancy then walks towards Will and Darcy.

N: Hey Bean!
W&D: Ummm Hello?
N: Don't think I've ever seen you guys around before. I'm Nancy
D: This is Will and I'm Darcy
N: Will? Sounds familiar, have we met before?
W: I don't think so
N: Well this is for you, if you need any more information just ask for me, Nancy Davis, see you
Nancy walks away 
Will turns towards Nancy
W: Davis? Nancy Davis, why do I recognise that name. Wait I think she's my Grandma
D: Will I don't think its a good idea
Grabs Will's arm as he begins to walk away 


This script is for the parts set in the 1920S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will 
E1:Extra 1
E2: Extra 2

Scene Four: The Dance 

W: Looking around for Darcy, standing next to group of guys 
D: Looking for Will, standing next to group of girls 
E1: I think he likes you (pointing at Will)
D: No way!
E1: Just look at the way he's looking at you
E1 and E2: Push Will and Darcy towards each other
Will and Darcy walk to small distance that is left towards each other. 
They stop for a moment before Will asks for Darcy's hand so they can dance 


This script is for the parts set in the 1940s. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
MW: Mysterious Woman 

Scene Three: Waking up 

Everything is dark. Sirens are playing in the background. 
Darcy scrambles around looking for Will.
D: Will? (Whispers)  
W: Darcy? Where are you?
MW: For god sake Will be quiet! They can hear us (MW lights candle)
Will and Darcy grab each other out of fright 


This script is for the parts set in the present day (in the house). This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.


Scene One: Front Door Scene

   D & G are outside of the house. Will goes to answer the door.
D: Rings doorbell, chats with G (muffled music)
W: Answers door (music gets louder)
G: Hey Will 
W: Hi, glad you could both make it 
G: This is Darcy
D: Hi, we've bought drinks  (holds  up drinks as a gesture)
W: Then come on in

Scene Two: Bar Scene 

Will is grabbing himself a drink and Darcy walks over to get herself one.
W: Need a cup? 
D: Please, great party!
W: Thanks! (starts making drink for Darcy)
D: You're friends with Sam aren't you? (Will passed drink) Oh thanks 
(hands touch) 

Scene Three: Back to Present Day 

Darcy is positioned by the bar whilst still holding the cup. She looks around frantically. Extras are not paying attention and acting normally. 

Darcy puts cup down and runs through the crowd and finds Sam.

D: Where is Will? Have you seen him anywhere? (Looks around still looking for Will) 
S: Will? Will who?
Sam walks off into crowd leaving Darcy alone in the middle 

Monday 28 November 2016

Actors Contracts

These are my actor's contracts for the filming so I have permission to use them in my filming.

Question 1B Analysis (Mr Love)

This is my revision notes in response to Question 1B. I created my mindmap using

Mind Map created by serena harper with GoConqr

Thursday 24 November 2016

Wednesday 23 November 2016


Me and my partner Hannah Fletcher has created a presentation on to show the mise-en-scene part for our trailer. On there we have included props, location and costumes. 

Powered by emaze

Sunday 20 November 2016

Audience Feedback

Production Company Ideas: Logos

My partner Hannah and I have created several logos for our production company. We decided to use the name 'SH Productions' for our company as its short and snappy so can easily be remembered by the audience. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Film Pitch

This is mine and Hannah Fletcher's film pitch for our film 'One Last Touch'. 

Thursday 10 November 2016

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Movie Trailer Shot list

This is my shortlist for my trailer. I have colour coded the different time periods so I can see clearly what part of the movie the shots belong to. Whilst I have put it in chronological order at the moment this may change when it comes to editing and I have the footage. 

1. MPAA audience green screen - 3 seconds
2. logos of production and distribution companies - 4 seconds
3. Title of film -3 seconds
4. OTS Will opening the door - 1 second
5. LS Darcy with her friends at the door way - 1 second 
6. CU of Darcy - 2 seconds 
7. CU of Will - 2 seconds 
8. LS of Will and Darcy by each other - 1 second
9. MCU of Will and Darcy getting drinks introducing themselves -  3 seconds
10. CU of Will getting a drink for Darcy - 1 second 
11. CU of Will and Darcy hands nearly touching - 1 second
12. MCU of Will and Darcy - 1 second
13. Black screen - 3 seconds
14. MCU of Darcy looking for Will - 1 second 
15. MCU of a candle being lit - 1 second 
16. CU of Will - 1 second
17. MCU of the woman - 2 seconds
18. LS of Will and Darcy scrambling towards each other- 1 second 
19. Black Screen - 3 seconds
20. CU of Will looking around - 0.5 seconds
21. LS of crowd of dancers - 0.5 seconds 
22. CU of Darcy looking at Will - 0.5 seconds
23. CU of Will looking at Darcy- 0.5 seconds
24. MCU of Will and Darcy getting pushed in the middle to dance- 0.5 seconds
25. CU of their hands nearly touching- 0.2 seconds
26. MC of them looking towards each other - 0.7 seconds
27. OTS Will holding out his hand to Darcy- 0.5 seconds
28. CU Will with his hand out - 0.5 seconds 
29. OTS Darcy going to Wills hand - 0.5 seconds
30. Black screen - 3 seconds 
31. CU shot/high angle of extras sitting at a table - 0.5 seconds
32. MS Nancy walking in to the library - 0.5 seconds
33. LS of Nancy handing over the flyer - 0.3 seconds
34. POV shot of someone receiving the flyer - 0.3 seconds 
35. CU of the flyer - 0.2 seconds 
36. Pans of Nancy walking towards Darcy and Will - 0.3 seconds
37. MS of Nancy and Will standing by the books talking - 0.2
38. LS of Nancy and Darcy talking - 0.5
39. CU of Will whilst Nancy walks away - 0.5 
40. MC Will and Darcy talking about Nancy - 1 seconds
41. ECU Will grabbing Darcy's hand - 0.5  seconds
42. Black Screen - 3 seconds
43. Pan Shot of all the dancers stretching - 1 second
44. CU of Will and Darcy looking at each other - 0.5 second 
45. LS of women looking at Will - 0.2 seconds
46. CU of Will - 0.2 seconds 
47. CU of  Jess - 0.2 seconds 
48. MS of Jess and Will - 0.2 seconds 
49. CU of Will shouting 'Mum' - 0.2 seconds 
50. CU/ Canted angle of Darcy trying to grab Will - 0.5 seconds
51. Black - 3 seconds
52. LS of Darcy standing by the drinks at the party -1 second  
53. MC of Darcy - 0.3 seconds 
54. MC of Darcy asking about Will - 0.2
55. Blacks Screen - 2 seconds

Wednesday 19 October 2016


One Last Touch

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy is a plus one of her friend who knows Will. Darcy first meets Will when he welcomes them to the party and Darcy gives him some drinks her and her friends have bought for the party. Later on that evening they meet again when both of them have gone to get another drink. They start conversation and Darcy offers Will a drink however as she passes him the drink their hands come contact and everything suddenly goes black.

They wake up to screeching sirens on 7th of September 1940, the day of the blitz. They are both sitting in the dark separated in a bomb shelter. Both scared they begin to call out for each other. It isn't until another person in the shelter lights a candle and tells them "be quiet for god sake Will, they can hear us" when they both realise they're are there together. Darcy out of fear reaches for Will and once again everything goes black.

Will and Darcy end up at the Great Exhibition in October 1851. Darcy who is a big art fan realises where they are and takes advantage of the opportunity they have and walk around the exhibition with Will. At one of the paintings a couple are also looking when Will makes a comment about the art, the couple introduce themselves to Will. Will realises that the man is his a past relatives of his. Before Will can blurt out that he's his grandchild the woman drags him away and scream at him to stay away.    Both startled they decided to leave.

The characters open their eyes to see that they've ended up somewhere different. Jazz music is played by a live band. The place where they are is a huge glamorous hall set out for an evening ball. They're both separated into different groups where the people seem to know them both. Darcy and Will make eye contact from the different groups they're in,  their 'friends' then push each other into the dance floor encouraging them to dance. Both stop themselves from colliding into each other, both pause and everything goes silent. Will holds out his hand for Darcy and as they do they both come into contact again and everything fades to black.

School bell rings taking them into the 50s. Darcy and Will are both in a school library. A girl approaches Will and Darcy and begins to talk about the school dance. Darcy introduces herself and asks the girl what her name is. Will once again realises that it is another relative but the girl had already left. Will tells Darcy that its his grandma and Darcy suggests to go and speak to her. Will grabs Darcy's hand to follow is Grandma and everything fades to black.

This time they end up in the 80s in a dance class. Will and Darcy are both angry at each other. Will being the only boy stands out and is questioned who he is however, Will notices a women who looks exactly like him mum. When Will runs up and they make eye contact and Will shouts "mum" Will disappears. Darcy yells out for Will. Everything fades black. Darcy is alone at the party in the same position by the drinks.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Trailer Notes

Will's party Darcy enters with friends
Will hugs Darcy's friend Darcy gives
Will a drink Hands nearly touch Nothing happens
Close up of faces when they each other - spark
Later on, Darcy gets a drink and they accidentally touch
Fades black Siren > 1940s snippet
Scrambling around, calls Will, etc.
Other character lights candle "be quiet, they can hear us" 
Darcy reaches for Will and they touch
Fades black Jazz music > 1920s snippet 
Complete opposite with glam miss-en-scene and ball setting
Musicians Will and Darcy are talking to separate people about where they are
Group of people who think they know Will and Darcy speak to them, push them together
They touch Fades black School bell rings > 1950s
Darcy meets another guy and falls for him
Will realises he is jealous and finds that he is in love with Darcy
He walks over to Darcy, who is talking to other guy, and touches her hand
Fades to black Gym class? > 1980s
longer Will and Darcy are angry with each other
Will sees his mom when she was younger 
He runs up to her and calls out to her, suddenly disappears
Darcy is left in the 80s on her own
Will appears in the present at the party, with no sign of Darcy
Will they find their way back?
Trailer ends
Find out in the next movie how got each other back

Saturday 15 October 2016

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Synopsis Draft

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy is a plus one of her friend who knows Will. Darcy first meets Will when he welcomes them to the party and Darcy gives him some drinks her and her friends have bought for the party. Later on that evening they meet again when both of them have went to get another drink. They start conversation and Darcy offers Will a drink however as she passes him the drink their hands come contact and everything suddenly goes black.

They wake up to screeching sirens on 7th of September 1940, the day of the blitz. They are both sitting in the dark separated in a bomb shelter. Both scared they begin to call out for each other. It isn't until another person in the shelter lights a candle and tells them "be quiet for god sake Will, they can hear us" when they both realise they're hear together. Darcy out of fear reaches for Will and once again everything goes black.

The characters open their eyes to see that they've ended up somewhere different. Jazz music is played by a live band. The place where they are is a huge glamorous hall set out for an evening ball. They're both separated into different groups where the people seem to know them both. Darcy and Will make eye contact from the different groups they're in,  their 'friends' then push each other into the dance floor encouraging them to dance. As they do they both come into contact again and everything fades to black.

School bell rings taking them into the 50s. Darcy and Will are both in a school library. Darcy meets another guy whom she falls for. Will starts to get jealous and realises that he loves Darcy. Will sees Darcy talking to the guy and out of jealousy he marches up to the couple and grabs Darcy away. Everything fades to black.

This time they end up in the 80s in a dance class. Will and Darcy are both angry at each other. Will being the only boy stands out and is questioned who he is however, Will notices a women who looks exactly like him mum. When Will runs up and they make eye contact and Will shouts "mum" Will disappears leaving Darcy alone in the 80s with no way to get out but making contact with Will.

Will appears in the present day where he was last with Darcy.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Audience Research Results

I asked how old the people were so I could get a variety of different answers however, from my results you can see I mainly asked people from 16-24 as they are the age group for my primary target audience.

I asked a mixture of male and female people to answer my survey to get a variety of answers but also to see if any males would be interested in my product my the answers they gave me. 
I next asked people what their top three favourite genres were. Romance, horror and comedy were the top three choices. I mainly did this to see what elements of other genres would be to incorporate into my trailer. 

These were just four ideas for titles we came up on the spot for the name for our film. 'Eternity' ended up people the most popular by quite a few votes which means this would probably would be what we called our product. 

I think this question has been really useful as it has given us an inside in what to not include. It highlights the fact that it needs to be more original and to make sure the narrative is complex and well developed. 

I asked this as I was interested to find out whether my primary target audience would prefer a female or a male main character. We are planning to have two main characters but from these results we can plan the script around the female main character. 

I think this question was useful to ask but an overall answer was not that clear. I think in the end it depends what my trailers end up like and think whilst planning it will come clear whether we need a voice over or not. 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Audience Research

This is my survey for my audience research: Create your own user feedback survey 

I asked people to participate in my questionnaire by:
- Word of mouth
- Group Messaging (whatsapp)
- Email
- Twitter

Genre, Audience and Conventions


Tuesday 20 September 2016

Audience Profiling

This is the audience profile on my target audience for my film idea. This include age, gender and the social background they belong to and the reasons behind it. I have created this on 'Piktochart'. 

Synopsis 2

Will is a trouble maker and is friends with similar people. After Will is in trouble again his mum decides to send him to a dance class down the road, hoping he’d stay out of trouble if he’s busy. Will grudgingly go to the class. Once there the teacher begins to pair the girls with the boys, Will, gets paired with a girl called Darcy. Will makes a huge scene about being paired up as he doesn’t want to dance consequently embarrassing Darcy. Darcy comes from a more upper class background and due to this her group of friends and Will’s get into a lot of fights. During the lessons they both begin to bicker.

They keep bumping into each other. The first is when one of Darcy’s friends throw a party, Will and his friends find out decide to crash just to annoy her and her friends. Will forgot who Darcy was friends with and as soon as Will sees Darcy he leaves his friends.Will asks Darcy to dance but before he can ask her for a date a fight between one of Will’s friends breaks out meaning Will had to go help and both of them get kicked out. 

The next time they see each other Will is causing trouble again. Darcy is going to a pub just as Will is getting thrown out. They both dance together at their lesson again and this time they don’t bicker and he asks her out and she agrees.

After their first date the war is announced. Will has to go and out of fear asks Darcy to marry him, she says no. Will leaves heartbroken but continues to write letters to her whilst at war. The war comes to an end and Will returns to England. Darcy agrees to meet Will again. They meet at a coffee shop. When leaving the coffee shop they leave together, on Darcy’s hand she is wearing an engagement ring. 

Monday 19 September 2016

Demographics and Psychographics

This is the JICNAR scale used by media companies to identify different groups. This is useful for marketing, narrative e.g., so the audience they want to target can relate to the product they want to sell.

However, we use psychographics for adverts:

Aspirers: People who want to appear as rich and attractive
Explorers: People who are adventurous and take more risks
Reformers: People who want to make social change
Mainstreamers: People who follow the crowd
Strugglers: People who find it hard to acheive

Friday 16 September 2016

Idea Two

Synopsis for Idea one

The scene opens up to find Tommy in an hospital bed, when his face is fully shown the flashbacks begin. The scene flicks from the present and to the flashbacks of the accident. The hospital is almost silent which contradicts the loud party. Tommy is seen talking to his friend and then later Tommy dancing, we then see Tommy walking home drunk after the party before being attacked by a gang and then left in the middle of the road.

Mike, Tommy's best friend then goes to visit him at hospital. Mike enters the room taking a seat next to the bed and begin to talk to Tommy, Mike blames himself for the accident as he allows his friends to walk home alone intoxicated. Mike goes to take his hand however a nurse walks in meaning the both of them don't come into contact. A couple of weeks this later Mike visits again more angry and frustrated than the last and shakes Tommy. The time travelling begins.

Tommy and Mike wake up in 1980s wearing clothes from that era however, both don't realise and both excited to see each other. They pull each other into a hug and before they know it they end up in 1920's party. This time they notice they are somewhere different. They run out of the party and find a newspaper stand and see they are in present day, Mike snatches the newspaper to see where they are and both get teleport into another time in history.

Mike eventually pulls out of the time travelling and the next day visits the hospital again so he can teleport. Every time they time travel Tommy begins to get weaker and Mike and Tommy argue, Tommy wanting to stop but having no control over it whereas Mike wants to see Tommy and wants to keep travelling.

They end up in 1945, where Tommy and Mike separate from each other, meaning they are both trapped there till they find each other again. Once they find each other again Tommy manages to pull himself out and wakes up from the coma bringing Mike back as well as a girl from 1945 who they had met along the way.

Both work together to get the girl back (who makes it hard for both of them as she doesn't want to go back to the war.) The film ends with them getting the girl back and both entering a party together, similar to the party they started at.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Trailer Ideas One

Narrative and Film Industry

What is narrative?
Narrative is about how the story is told to the audience.

Syd Field's Three- Act Structure:
Field suggested most stories have three acts which he broke into the following structure 

Act one- (25%) The Set-Up
-Turning Point 1
Act two- (50%) The development
-Turning Point 2
Act three- (25%) The Resolution

Todorov's Theory of disequilibrium:
Similar to Field's idea, he also defined there three acts but as:

Equilibrium- Disequilibrium- Re-equilibrium

Propp's Spheres of Action:
Propp identified the characters roles which he called the spheres of action. Propp studied fairy tales and spotted these recurring roles in many of the stories. Hollywood and other film producers also use the fairy-tale structure for their films.

Propp's spheres of action: 
Hero- the protagonist who is sent on a quest and saves the day
Villain- the antagonist whose mission it is to disrupt the hero's quest
Princess- must be saved by the hero or is the hero's reward
Helper- the hero's sidekick who helps them throughput the mission
Donor- gives the hero something crucial without which they could not complete the mission
Dispatcher- sends the hero on their quest
Anti-Hero- may appear to be on the side of the villain's of hero's side

Levi Strauss' Binary Opposites
Strauss expresses that narrative are concerned with binary opposites. E.g. good/evil, dark/light

Roland Barthes' Codes
Barthes identified a number of codes that are used in narratives to allow the audience to understand the plot development.

Action codes:  Things that happen dictates an action that will occur; for example, a character placing their hand on a gun signifies that they will likely shoot.

Enigma codes: Things that are seen that raise questions for the audience, for example an important letter falling of a character's pocket: who will pick it up? what did the letter say? What now? 

Making a trailer guide

Media Magazine, April 2014

Monday 5 September 2016

Preliminary Task: Evaluation 3

What parts of the process did you find most challenging?  How did you overcome this?

For me I found editing the hardest part of the process. I couldn't work out how to do some of the things I had visualised for my clip. I watched/read tutorials to work out a lot of it however, at the end of my clip when the camera tilts up to show the masked face I had visualised the screen become distorted and pixilated, but even after researching I still couldn't find a way to do it so in the end I had to do it in a different by cutting the clip and putting white fillers to create a similar look to what I was going for. 

Another thing that I found challenging as a group is organising ourselves to make sure we're all in the right place and have everything we need. When we went to film we did not have everything we needed to film which we overcome by adapting and using other props instead or cutting that part of the video out of the clip. 

Preliminary Task: Evaluation 2

This presentation is to answer the second evaluation question for the preliminary task: How did you work with other people in your production team?  What role did you play in the production? Would you have done anything differently?
This task was completed using google slides.

Preliminary Task: Evaluation 1

This presentation is for my evaluation:What new skills, techniques and knowledge have you learnt from producing the preliminary activity?  
I have completed this task using emaze.

Preliminary Task: The Video

Final video for our Preliminary task: 

Sunday 4 September 2016

Research into different time periods

This is my research into some of the moments of time we will be covering to give me more insight into the times so I can make it more realistic when filming. I have created this presentation using Zoho presentations. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Camera Work: What have I learnt?

Today we was given a short tutorial on how to use the cameras. We were then given a checklist to tick off once we've completed them. Whilst completing the checklist we filmed our knife scene clip.


Tuesday 21 June 2016

Knife Throw Task

Before our preliminary task was given a short project to complete. This would help us with our planning, filming and editing techniques. During this task I learnt the basics of editing and how to set up the camera and tripod.