Wednesday 30 November 2016


This script is for the parts set in the 1950S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
N: Nancy 

Will and Darcy are standing in the corner. 
Extras are sitting at table playing cards. 
Doors open and Nancy walks in towards extras table.
Nancy hands over prom flyers to Extras. 
Nancy then walks towards Will and Darcy.

N: Hey Bean!
W&D: Ummm Hello?
N: Don't think I've ever seen you guys around before. I'm Nancy
D: This is Will and I'm Darcy
N: Will? Sounds familiar, have we met before?
W: I don't think so
N: Well this is for you, if you need any more information just ask for me, Nancy Davis, see you
Nancy walks away 
Will turns towards Nancy
W: Davis? Nancy Davis, why do I recognise that name. Wait I think she's my Grandma
D: Will I don't think its a good idea
Grabs Will's arm as he begins to walk away 

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