Wednesday 30 November 2016


This script is for the parts set in the present day (in the house). This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.


Scene One: Front Door Scene

   D & G are outside of the house. Will goes to answer the door.
D: Rings doorbell, chats with G (muffled music)
W: Answers door (music gets louder)
G: Hey Will 
W: Hi, glad you could both make it 
G: This is Darcy
D: Hi, we've bought drinks  (holds  up drinks as a gesture)
W: Then come on in

Scene Two: Bar Scene 

Will is grabbing himself a drink and Darcy walks over to get herself one.
W: Need a cup? 
D: Please, great party!
W: Thanks! (starts making drink for Darcy)
D: You're friends with Sam aren't you? (Will passed drink) Oh thanks 
(hands touch) 

Scene Three: Back to Present Day 

Darcy is positioned by the bar whilst still holding the cup. She looks around frantically. Extras are not paying attention and acting normally. 

Darcy puts cup down and runs through the crowd and finds Sam.

D: Where is Will? Have you seen him anywhere? (Looks around still looking for Will) 
S: Will? Will who?
Sam walks off into crowd leaving Darcy alone in the middle 

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