Friday 16 September 2016

Synopsis for Idea one

The scene opens up to find Tommy in an hospital bed, when his face is fully shown the flashbacks begin. The scene flicks from the present and to the flashbacks of the accident. The hospital is almost silent which contradicts the loud party. Tommy is seen talking to his friend and then later Tommy dancing, we then see Tommy walking home drunk after the party before being attacked by a gang and then left in the middle of the road.

Mike, Tommy's best friend then goes to visit him at hospital. Mike enters the room taking a seat next to the bed and begin to talk to Tommy, Mike blames himself for the accident as he allows his friends to walk home alone intoxicated. Mike goes to take his hand however a nurse walks in meaning the both of them don't come into contact. A couple of weeks this later Mike visits again more angry and frustrated than the last and shakes Tommy. The time travelling begins.

Tommy and Mike wake up in 1980s wearing clothes from that era however, both don't realise and both excited to see each other. They pull each other into a hug and before they know it they end up in 1920's party. This time they notice they are somewhere different. They run out of the party and find a newspaper stand and see they are in present day, Mike snatches the newspaper to see where they are and both get teleport into another time in history.

Mike eventually pulls out of the time travelling and the next day visits the hospital again so he can teleport. Every time they time travel Tommy begins to get weaker and Mike and Tommy argue, Tommy wanting to stop but having no control over it whereas Mike wants to see Tommy and wants to keep travelling.

They end up in 1945, where Tommy and Mike separate from each other, meaning they are both trapped there till they find each other again. Once they find each other again Tommy manages to pull himself out and wakes up from the coma bringing Mike back as well as a girl from 1945 who they had met along the way.

Both work together to get the girl back (who makes it hard for both of them as she doesn't want to go back to the war.) The film ends with them getting the girl back and both entering a party together, similar to the party they started at.

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