Tuesday 20 September 2016

Synopsis 2

Will is a trouble maker and is friends with similar people. After Will is in trouble again his mum decides to send him to a dance class down the road, hoping he’d stay out of trouble if he’s busy. Will grudgingly go to the class. Once there the teacher begins to pair the girls with the boys, Will, gets paired with a girl called Darcy. Will makes a huge scene about being paired up as he doesn’t want to dance consequently embarrassing Darcy. Darcy comes from a more upper class background and due to this her group of friends and Will’s get into a lot of fights. During the lessons they both begin to bicker.

They keep bumping into each other. The first is when one of Darcy’s friends throw a party, Will and his friends find out decide to crash just to annoy her and her friends. Will forgot who Darcy was friends with and as soon as Will sees Darcy he leaves his friends.Will asks Darcy to dance but before he can ask her for a date a fight between one of Will’s friends breaks out meaning Will had to go help and both of them get kicked out. 

The next time they see each other Will is causing trouble again. Darcy is going to a pub just as Will is getting thrown out. They both dance together at their lesson again and this time they don’t bicker and he asks her out and she agrees.

After their first date the war is announced. Will has to go and out of fear asks Darcy to marry him, she says no. Will leaves heartbroken but continues to write letters to her whilst at war. The war comes to an end and Will returns to England. Darcy agrees to meet Will again. They meet at a coffee shop. When leaving the coffee shop they leave together, on Darcy’s hand she is wearing an engagement ring. 

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