Tuesday 4 October 2016

Audience Research Results

I asked how old the people were so I could get a variety of different answers however, from my results you can see I mainly asked people from 16-24 as they are the age group for my primary target audience.

I asked a mixture of male and female people to answer my survey to get a variety of answers but also to see if any males would be interested in my product my the answers they gave me. 
I next asked people what their top three favourite genres were. Romance, horror and comedy were the top three choices. I mainly did this to see what elements of other genres would be to incorporate into my trailer. 

These were just four ideas for titles we came up on the spot for the name for our film. 'Eternity' ended up people the most popular by quite a few votes which means this would probably would be what we called our product. 

I think this question has been really useful as it has given us an inside in what to not include. It highlights the fact that it needs to be more original and to make sure the narrative is complex and well developed. 

I asked this as I was interested to find out whether my primary target audience would prefer a female or a male main character. We are planning to have two main characters but from these results we can plan the script around the female main character. 

I think this question was useful to ask but an overall answer was not that clear. I think in the end it depends what my trailers end up like and think whilst planning it will come clear whether we need a voice over or not. 

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