Wednesday 30 November 2016


This script is for the parts set in the 1950S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
N: Nancy 

Will and Darcy are standing in the corner. 
Extras are sitting at table playing cards. 
Doors open and Nancy walks in towards extras table.
Nancy hands over prom flyers to Extras. 
Nancy then walks towards Will and Darcy.

N: Hey Bean!
W&D: Ummm Hello?
N: Don't think I've ever seen you guys around before. I'm Nancy
D: This is Will and I'm Darcy
N: Will? Sounds familiar, have we met before?
W: I don't think so
N: Well this is for you, if you need any more information just ask for me, Nancy Davis, see you
Nancy walks away 
Will turns towards Nancy
W: Davis? Nancy Davis, why do I recognise that name. Wait I think she's my Grandma
D: Will I don't think its a good idea
Grabs Will's arm as he begins to walk away 


This script is for the parts set in the 1920S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will 
E1:Extra 1
E2: Extra 2

Scene Four: The Dance 

W: Looking around for Darcy, standing next to group of guys 
D: Looking for Will, standing next to group of girls 
E1: I think he likes you (pointing at Will)
D: No way!
E1: Just look at the way he's looking at you
E1 and E2: Push Will and Darcy towards each other
Will and Darcy walk to small distance that is left towards each other. 
They stop for a moment before Will asks for Darcy's hand so they can dance 


This script is for the parts set in the 1940s. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
MW: Mysterious Woman 

Scene Three: Waking up 

Everything is dark. Sirens are playing in the background. 
Darcy scrambles around looking for Will.
D: Will? (Whispers)  
W: Darcy? Where are you?
MW: For god sake Will be quiet! They can hear us (MW lights candle)
Will and Darcy grab each other out of fright 


This script is for the parts set in the present day (in the house). This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.


Scene One: Front Door Scene

   D & G are outside of the house. Will goes to answer the door.
D: Rings doorbell, chats with G (muffled music)
W: Answers door (music gets louder)
G: Hey Will 
W: Hi, glad you could both make it 
G: This is Darcy
D: Hi, we've bought drinks  (holds  up drinks as a gesture)
W: Then come on in

Scene Two: Bar Scene 

Will is grabbing himself a drink and Darcy walks over to get herself one.
W: Need a cup? 
D: Please, great party!
W: Thanks! (starts making drink for Darcy)
D: You're friends with Sam aren't you? (Will passed drink) Oh thanks 
(hands touch) 

Scene Three: Back to Present Day 

Darcy is positioned by the bar whilst still holding the cup. She looks around frantically. Extras are not paying attention and acting normally. 

Darcy puts cup down and runs through the crowd and finds Sam.

D: Where is Will? Have you seen him anywhere? (Looks around still looking for Will) 
S: Will? Will who?
Sam walks off into crowd leaving Darcy alone in the middle 

Monday 28 November 2016

Actors Contracts

These are my actor's contracts for the filming so I have permission to use them in my filming.

Question 1B Analysis (Mr Love)

This is my revision notes in response to Question 1B. I created my mindmap using

Mind Map created by serena harper with GoConqr

Thursday 24 November 2016

Wednesday 23 November 2016


Me and my partner Hannah Fletcher has created a presentation on to show the mise-en-scene part for our trailer. On there we have included props, location and costumes. 

Powered by emaze

Sunday 20 November 2016

Audience Feedback

Production Company Ideas: Logos

My partner Hannah and I have created several logos for our production company. We decided to use the name 'SH Productions' for our company as its short and snappy so can easily be remembered by the audience. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Film Pitch

This is mine and Hannah Fletcher's film pitch for our film 'One Last Touch'. 

Thursday 10 November 2016

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Movie Trailer Shot list

This is my shortlist for my trailer. I have colour coded the different time periods so I can see clearly what part of the movie the shots belong to. Whilst I have put it in chronological order at the moment this may change when it comes to editing and I have the footage. 

1. MPAA audience green screen - 3 seconds
2. logos of production and distribution companies - 4 seconds
3. Title of film -3 seconds
4. OTS Will opening the door - 1 second
5. LS Darcy with her friends at the door way - 1 second 
6. CU of Darcy - 2 seconds 
7. CU of Will - 2 seconds 
8. LS of Will and Darcy by each other - 1 second
9. MCU of Will and Darcy getting drinks introducing themselves -  3 seconds
10. CU of Will getting a drink for Darcy - 1 second 
11. CU of Will and Darcy hands nearly touching - 1 second
12. MCU of Will and Darcy - 1 second
13. Black screen - 3 seconds
14. MCU of Darcy looking for Will - 1 second 
15. MCU of a candle being lit - 1 second 
16. CU of Will - 1 second
17. MCU of the woman - 2 seconds
18. LS of Will and Darcy scrambling towards each other- 1 second 
19. Black Screen - 3 seconds
20. CU of Will looking around - 0.5 seconds
21. LS of crowd of dancers - 0.5 seconds 
22. CU of Darcy looking at Will - 0.5 seconds
23. CU of Will looking at Darcy- 0.5 seconds
24. MCU of Will and Darcy getting pushed in the middle to dance- 0.5 seconds
25. CU of their hands nearly touching- 0.2 seconds
26. MC of them looking towards each other - 0.7 seconds
27. OTS Will holding out his hand to Darcy- 0.5 seconds
28. CU Will with his hand out - 0.5 seconds 
29. OTS Darcy going to Wills hand - 0.5 seconds
30. Black screen - 3 seconds 
31. CU shot/high angle of extras sitting at a table - 0.5 seconds
32. MS Nancy walking in to the library - 0.5 seconds
33. LS of Nancy handing over the flyer - 0.3 seconds
34. POV shot of someone receiving the flyer - 0.3 seconds 
35. CU of the flyer - 0.2 seconds 
36. Pans of Nancy walking towards Darcy and Will - 0.3 seconds
37. MS of Nancy and Will standing by the books talking - 0.2
38. LS of Nancy and Darcy talking - 0.5
39. CU of Will whilst Nancy walks away - 0.5 
40. MC Will and Darcy talking about Nancy - 1 seconds
41. ECU Will grabbing Darcy's hand - 0.5  seconds
42. Black Screen - 3 seconds
43. Pan Shot of all the dancers stretching - 1 second
44. CU of Will and Darcy looking at each other - 0.5 second 
45. LS of women looking at Will - 0.2 seconds
46. CU of Will - 0.2 seconds 
47. CU of  Jess - 0.2 seconds 
48. MS of Jess and Will - 0.2 seconds 
49. CU of Will shouting 'Mum' - 0.2 seconds 
50. CU/ Canted angle of Darcy trying to grab Will - 0.5 seconds
51. Black - 3 seconds
52. LS of Darcy standing by the drinks at the party -1 second  
53. MC of Darcy - 0.3 seconds 
54. MC of Darcy asking about Will - 0.2
55. Blacks Screen - 2 seconds