Tuesday 25 April 2017

Evaluation One

This is the answer to the first evaluation question:  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? I have answered this question using 'Padlet'. 
Made with Padlet

Evaluation Two

This is the answer to the second evaluation question: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?   I have answered this question using 'WeVideo' and my iphone to record the voice over.

Part One: 

Part Two:

I have created a movie trailer for my film ‘One Last Touch’ which is a time-travel romance about two characters who meet at a party and every time they touch they travel across time. The film follows their journey across time as they fall in love and Will, one of the main characters starts to bump into family members from when they were younger.

My three products, the trailer, film poster and magazine I try to get the genres of the film across to the audience. It is important that the genres being portrayed are consistent across all three products so it doesn’t get confusing for the audience. To keep the products linking together, I have used the same fonts and colour schemes. All three products use the same cursive font for the title of the film. This helps the audience link the three products together and will also make the film more memorable to them.

Whilst we wanted all the conventions of a romance film we wanted to develop this idea. I tried to do this with all three of my products. Propp identified characters from fairy tales that also appear in movies. This is normally very easy to spot in romantic films. We tried to develop this idea by not following the typical stereotype for the characters. So with the story line we made Will the ‘Princess’ and Darcy the ‘Hero’. For example, in this scene at the party, we see Darcy approaching Will not the other way round which is more typical. Another example is that Will has the problems and we see here Darcy gets back to the present day without Will and she has to solve this. With my print products I wanted to tease the audience more than most romance film products do. Most romantic films show the characters clearly in love. Our film is more complicated than that and we wanted to show the complications through the photos used. In my billboard poster they both reach out to each other, but the audience will be curious what exactly their relationship is.

I have also kept the house style the same through all of my products. The colour scheme I have used is a bright colour (slightly different to make it work with the individual product) and white. These colours stand out and look good together. I would say they challenge the conventional colour scheme of a time travel movie, but it does suit the romance genre of my film. The lighting for all three products is kept bright as it is supposed to be a light hearted film and something to keep my audience distracted from everyday life and entertained. This is one of the conventions of a romance film as it’s supposed to be a sweeter story than dark lighting used in films such as a thriller.

Another way all three of my products link together is through the characters. From the uses and gratification theory, it is said that the audience chooses what they want to consume. This means I needed to make I was making what they audience wanted. All three products include the two main characters. Both of the print products include the two main characters from the movie. This is important as the audience will want to see them as that who the movie is about. One thing the consumers want is an entertaining film, but something else. My movie shows social interactions evolving. The film evolves around the formation of the couple and therefore explores social interactions between their romance and also the other character Will and Darcy come across. Due to this it made sense the two main characters feature in all three products.

In my trailer we see the theme of this ‘one touch’ which in our story in the key to the two time travelling. As this is a key element of our story we needed to try and make it shown through our products. Through the combination of music and effects such as slow motion I tried to make it more obvious to the audience of what was happening. I also did this in my billboard poster and movie magazine. In my movie magazine, we can see the characters side by side with them only slightly touching. Again, in my billboard poster we see the character reaching out to each other trying to reach one another. For all three products I have used the same tagline ‘Who knew one touch could cause so much drama’. This tagline has helped combine all three of my products together.

Overall, I think I have combined all three products together well and you can tell that they fit the genre they are supposed to and are all advertising the same movie. The advertisement of a film is important which is why you need to get it right. By linking these products together well it helps make the film more memorable to the audience, which means they are more likely to go watch the movie.

Evaluation Three

This is the answer to the third evaluation question:  What have you learned from your audience feedback? I have answered this question using 'Emaze'.  Powered by emaze

Evaluation Four

This is the answer to the fourth evaluation question:  How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? I have answered this question using 'Prezi'. 

Final Products

Developments of my products

This shows the developments of my three different products. 

Movie Magazine: 

Movie Poster: 


Friday 21 April 2017

Movie Trailer: Intertitles

This was created on 'google slides' to help show the development of my intertitles I did and the reasons behind the final decisions.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

SCRIPT FIVE: The Park Scene

This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Will, where are we?
W: I don't know Darcy, I can't tell 
D: I'm scared. What if we never get home? 
W: Don't worry we'll find a way. We have each other.
D: I love you Will 
W: I love you too 

Ideas for extra snippets: 
  • Walking around (NOT HOLDING HANDS)
  • Will telling joke and them laughing. Darcy pushes Will and then they both look at each other. D: Oops. 

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Music Magazine: Font of Title

I have decided to use dafont.com to create the title for my magazine. I have found nine different designs to starts off with that I thought could work for my project.

For each design I have included the name of the font and who it is by later on after I have decided which font I will use I will be easily able to find it. I set the font out like this so I can print it off and ask several people of my target audience which they think is the best for my magazine cover. 

Here is a table of my results: The graph below shows the amount of votes each font received from my audience.

In the end my audiences top three favourite fonts were the following: 
1) Lemon/Milk (joint with second)
2) Al Hellvertigo 
3) Flea Market Finds

I have decided to keep the top three just in case the title does not fit the type of magazine I was going for or could not keep to the standard I wanted. However, I do not think I will use the third choice- Flea Market Finds as I do not think it is suitable for the masthead of my magazine as it does not fit the conventions. 

Thursday 9 March 2017

Billboard Posters: Conventions

  • Title of the film
  • Main Characters
  • Date of release
  • Character takes the main focus of the poster 
  • Image is big and bold to standout 
  • Two or three colours 
  • Catch phrase for/from movie
  • Actors Names (if well known)
  • Production Company's name 

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Film Magazine: Mockups

I decided to create a couple of magazines mockups using different images not just my own to give me more inspiration in the photos I could make for my product. This will also give me an idea on what works and what doesn't make my actual product an easier process. 

Billboard Poster: Mockups

I have created these mockups for my billboard poster using Canva. I decided to use this product rather than the actual software I am planning to use because the products are just meant to give me more of an idea how the images and text fit together and this website is very quick and easy to use. 

Billboard Poster: Layouts

These are the layouts for my billboard magazine that I have created using PowerPoint. These will give me ideas when making the real billboard posters. From research I have done around this print product I have tried to use to conventions so my product will look as realistic as possible. 

Film Magazine: Layout Designs

These are the layouts for my film magazine. I have done some research on the conventions of magazines to help me create my print product. I created the layouts using PowerPoint. 

Movie Poster: Inspiration

What are typical conventions for movie posters? 

Poster No. 1:
This poster is one of Disney's latest movies; 'Maleficent' which is released in 2014. This movie is described as a 'dark fantasy' and the movie belongs to the following genres; action, adventure. fantasy and romance. 

From this movie poster you are able to tell that that this movie belong to a fantasy from the clothing the actor is wearing (Angelina Jolie) however, this movie poster does not give anything else away leaving it a mystery to the audience. The poster has opted for a dark against light theme, keeping it classy and so it stands out. The poster is very simple and challenges the conventions of a magazine as most of the poster is blank. The actor stands out to the audience as the poster is very blank apart from her red lips which draws all your attention to her. 

Poster No.2:
This poster for 'The Grey' was released in 2014. The movie is a mixture of an action and drama genre film. The film was written and directed by Joe Carnahan, who is also known for the film 'The A-Team'. 

The poster for 'The Grey' has taken up all the available space fully, they have decided to really focus on the character, keeping it simple but also to grab the audiences attention. By filling up all the space it is creating the illusion of its importance, this means the audience will take their time to look at the poster. Once again the colour scheme is nothing too out there but, the use of the bright blue eyes helps to draw attention to the magazine as it stands out from the other dark colours. 

Poster No.3:
The third poster is for the film 'Donnie Darko' a fantasy-drama film released in 2001.  

For the poster they have included the rabbit skull mask that is worn, this has become a symbol for the film and is highly recognised for the film 'Donnie Darko' this refers to Barthes Codes theory about leaving clues in the narrative for the audience to spot. The rabbit skull mask is a huge part of the movie, it makes sense to include it on the poster.

Poster No.4:
'Star Trek' is a huge science-fiction  sequel. There is around thirteen different movies and also has its own animated show. This particular film is from 2009 and was distributed by Paramount pictures. 

For this poster they have included three of the main characters, the audience will already know these characters from past movies and therefore will want to see them involved on the poster. The background is just white, keeping it plain and so that the poster isn't too dark. The characters are looking straight into the camera to show mode of address which will help create a connection between them and the audience. 

Tips, Conventions for a Movie Poster:
  • Big Title: Make sure the title is big so it the audience can read it at one glance. 
  • Follow the Conventions: Moving too away from the conventions of a movie magazine may make your poster not look like a 'real' movie magazine or the audience may think you're selling something else. 
  • Avoid too many colours: To make the poster to stand out more use a fewer colours that are contrasting. 
  • Actors/Actresses names: Including any famous actors in your movie helps bring a bigger audience to your movie.
  • Catchy Tagline: A tagline gives a bit more information about the movie but also makes your movie/poster more memorable. 
  • Age Certificate: By adding this it means the audience know what the minimum age is
  • Simple Background: The simple background won't take any attention from the important information. 
  • Release date: The date is important part of information that the audience needs to know. 
  • Website and Social Media: So if the audience want to find out any more information about the film they can find it easily. 

Film Magazine: Empire Inspiration

Empire is a film magazine that look at mainstream and art film. The magazine is published monthly by Bauer Consumer Company. The magazine was first published in July 1989, so has been around for the past 27 years. It is the biggest movie magazine it gives; exclusives, behind the scenes and critics reviews of films.

Regular features:

  •  A transcript from a notable scene
  • Top Ten feature lists
  • Re.View Section - Critic Kim Newman 
  • How much is a pint of milk? - Asking celebrities silly questions
  • Spine Quote- Random quote readers have to identify what movie it is from to win a prize 

Tuesday 14 February 2017


This is my storyboard for my trailer. This will help me with my filming as it has the camera shot and whats happening in each shot.

Friday 27 January 2017

Filming schedules problems & solutions

Filming schedules for our team as been one of the hardest parts of this project. We have found that is something we needed to resolve soon to keep up with our work. 


So for the 1940s we have rewrote the scene so only two of the three characters that were originally in the shot are.  We will use a voice over for Darcy's speaking parts. By changing the scene it means we were able to get this scene done quicker so we can move onto the next. 

New Script and shortlist for the 1940s: 
14. MCU of Will looking for Darcy, scared
15. MCU of a Candle being lit
16. CU of Will
17. MCU of the women 

Scene Three: Waking Up 
Everything is dark. Sirens are playing in the background.
D: Will?
W: Looks around for Darcy, wipes his brow
MW: For god sake be quiet! They can hear us (MW lights candle)
W: Darcy where are you? Reaches forward and Darcy grabs Will's hand 

1950s and 1920s: 

With how much time we had to do our filming and by and how much footage we actually had we decided to merge these two scenes together. This scene will now be set in the 1950s at a school dance. By doing this we have kept the important 'Nancy' from the 1950s but have kept the romance from the 1920s. 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Music for my trailer

For my trailer I will be using a mixture of songs and sound effects to help make my trailer more appealing for my audience. 

Sound Effects:

Sound Effect: Air Raid Siren
Website/Artist: http://www.freesfx.co.uk/
Permission: Free of use, must use website link in youtube description bar

Sound Effect: High School House Party Crowd
Website/Artist: http://www.freesfx.co.uk/
Permission: Free of use, must use website link in youtube description bar

Sound Effect: Beer Bottles Clank
Website/Artist: Soundbible.com
Permission: None needed, free for commercial use


Song Title: Snowball
Website/Artist: Moby
Permission: Approved
Song Title: Slow Light
Website/Artist: Moby 
Permission: Approved
Song Title: So far around the bend
Company/Artist: The National, 4AD and Universal Music Publishing 