Friday 27 January 2017

Filming schedules problems & solutions

Filming schedules for our team as been one of the hardest parts of this project. We have found that is something we needed to resolve soon to keep up with our work. 


So for the 1940s we have rewrote the scene so only two of the three characters that were originally in the shot are.  We will use a voice over for Darcy's speaking parts. By changing the scene it means we were able to get this scene done quicker so we can move onto the next. 

New Script and shortlist for the 1940s: 
14. MCU of Will looking for Darcy, scared
15. MCU of a Candle being lit
16. CU of Will
17. MCU of the women 

Scene Three: Waking Up 
Everything is dark. Sirens are playing in the background.
D: Will?
W: Looks around for Darcy, wipes his brow
MW: For god sake be quiet! They can hear us (MW lights candle)
W: Darcy where are you? Reaches forward and Darcy grabs Will's hand 

1950s and 1920s: 

With how much time we had to do our filming and by and how much footage we actually had we decided to merge these two scenes together. This scene will now be set in the 1950s at a school dance. By doing this we have kept the important 'Nancy' from the 1950s but have kept the romance from the 1920s. 

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