Tuesday 14 June 2016

Preliminary Task: Script 1

 A Cycles towards the house house 
 Shot of the back of the bike
Shot of the side of the bike

A gets off bike 
shot of wheels still spinning- medium close-up

A Walks towards door
fades to black, title screen
music gradually gets louder

A Enters room with a dinner laid out on the table. The table has candles that are burning but cobwebs on the table. Makes the audience question how long the food has been set out like that.
Establishing shot of the table 

A: Hello? 
Silence- chirpy music stops

B Enters, only feet can be seen 
sits down opposite  A  (face is never seen) 

B: Join me 
Close-up on A's face- unsure whats happening
cut to the door, cuts back to A
 hesitantly sits down

Cut to B picking up knife and fork

B begins to eat 

B: Eat

Cut to A picking up knife and fork

high angle shot of B cutting food  
Camera travel further up body 
(Screen keeps cutting out
Body becomes distorted) 

Distressed Hostage screams help in background - Fades to black 
Chirpy music comes back on
B is cycling on A's bike 

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