Wednesday 19 October 2016


One Last Touch

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy is a plus one of her friend who knows Will. Darcy first meets Will when he welcomes them to the party and Darcy gives him some drinks her and her friends have bought for the party. Later on that evening they meet again when both of them have gone to get another drink. They start conversation and Darcy offers Will a drink however as she passes him the drink their hands come contact and everything suddenly goes black.

They wake up to screeching sirens on 7th of September 1940, the day of the blitz. They are both sitting in the dark separated in a bomb shelter. Both scared they begin to call out for each other. It isn't until another person in the shelter lights a candle and tells them "be quiet for god sake Will, they can hear us" when they both realise they're are there together. Darcy out of fear reaches for Will and once again everything goes black.

Will and Darcy end up at the Great Exhibition in October 1851. Darcy who is a big art fan realises where they are and takes advantage of the opportunity they have and walk around the exhibition with Will. At one of the paintings a couple are also looking when Will makes a comment about the art, the couple introduce themselves to Will. Will realises that the man is his a past relatives of his. Before Will can blurt out that he's his grandchild the woman drags him away and scream at him to stay away.    Both startled they decided to leave.

The characters open their eyes to see that they've ended up somewhere different. Jazz music is played by a live band. The place where they are is a huge glamorous hall set out for an evening ball. They're both separated into different groups where the people seem to know them both. Darcy and Will make eye contact from the different groups they're in,  their 'friends' then push each other into the dance floor encouraging them to dance. Both stop themselves from colliding into each other, both pause and everything goes silent. Will holds out his hand for Darcy and as they do they both come into contact again and everything fades to black.

School bell rings taking them into the 50s. Darcy and Will are both in a school library. A girl approaches Will and Darcy and begins to talk about the school dance. Darcy introduces herself and asks the girl what her name is. Will once again realises that it is another relative but the girl had already left. Will tells Darcy that its his grandma and Darcy suggests to go and speak to her. Will grabs Darcy's hand to follow is Grandma and everything fades to black.

This time they end up in the 80s in a dance class. Will and Darcy are both angry at each other. Will being the only boy stands out and is questioned who he is however, Will notices a women who looks exactly like him mum. When Will runs up and they make eye contact and Will shouts "mum" Will disappears. Darcy yells out for Will. Everything fades black. Darcy is alone at the party in the same position by the drinks.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Trailer Notes

Will's party Darcy enters with friends
Will hugs Darcy's friend Darcy gives
Will a drink Hands nearly touch Nothing happens
Close up of faces when they each other - spark
Later on, Darcy gets a drink and they accidentally touch
Fades black Siren > 1940s snippet
Scrambling around, calls Will, etc.
Other character lights candle "be quiet, they can hear us" 
Darcy reaches for Will and they touch
Fades black Jazz music > 1920s snippet 
Complete opposite with glam miss-en-scene and ball setting
Musicians Will and Darcy are talking to separate people about where they are
Group of people who think they know Will and Darcy speak to them, push them together
They touch Fades black School bell rings > 1950s
Darcy meets another guy and falls for him
Will realises he is jealous and finds that he is in love with Darcy
He walks over to Darcy, who is talking to other guy, and touches her hand
Fades to black Gym class? > 1980s
longer Will and Darcy are angry with each other
Will sees his mom when she was younger 
He runs up to her and calls out to her, suddenly disappears
Darcy is left in the 80s on her own
Will appears in the present at the party, with no sign of Darcy
Will they find their way back?
Trailer ends
Find out in the next movie how got each other back

Saturday 15 October 2016

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Synopsis Draft

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy is a plus one of her friend who knows Will. Darcy first meets Will when he welcomes them to the party and Darcy gives him some drinks her and her friends have bought for the party. Later on that evening they meet again when both of them have went to get another drink. They start conversation and Darcy offers Will a drink however as she passes him the drink their hands come contact and everything suddenly goes black.

They wake up to screeching sirens on 7th of September 1940, the day of the blitz. They are both sitting in the dark separated in a bomb shelter. Both scared they begin to call out for each other. It isn't until another person in the shelter lights a candle and tells them "be quiet for god sake Will, they can hear us" when they both realise they're hear together. Darcy out of fear reaches for Will and once again everything goes black.

The characters open their eyes to see that they've ended up somewhere different. Jazz music is played by a live band. The place where they are is a huge glamorous hall set out for an evening ball. They're both separated into different groups where the people seem to know them both. Darcy and Will make eye contact from the different groups they're in,  their 'friends' then push each other into the dance floor encouraging them to dance. As they do they both come into contact again and everything fades to black.

School bell rings taking them into the 50s. Darcy and Will are both in a school library. Darcy meets another guy whom she falls for. Will starts to get jealous and realises that he loves Darcy. Will sees Darcy talking to the guy and out of jealousy he marches up to the couple and grabs Darcy away. Everything fades to black.

This time they end up in the 80s in a dance class. Will and Darcy are both angry at each other. Will being the only boy stands out and is questioned who he is however, Will notices a women who looks exactly like him mum. When Will runs up and they make eye contact and Will shouts "mum" Will disappears leaving Darcy alone in the 80s with no way to get out but making contact with Will.

Will appears in the present day where he was last with Darcy.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Audience Research Results

I asked how old the people were so I could get a variety of different answers however, from my results you can see I mainly asked people from 16-24 as they are the age group for my primary target audience.

I asked a mixture of male and female people to answer my survey to get a variety of answers but also to see if any males would be interested in my product my the answers they gave me. 
I next asked people what their top three favourite genres were. Romance, horror and comedy were the top three choices. I mainly did this to see what elements of other genres would be to incorporate into my trailer. 

These were just four ideas for titles we came up on the spot for the name for our film. 'Eternity' ended up people the most popular by quite a few votes which means this would probably would be what we called our product. 

I think this question has been really useful as it has given us an inside in what to not include. It highlights the fact that it needs to be more original and to make sure the narrative is complex and well developed. 

I asked this as I was interested to find out whether my primary target audience would prefer a female or a male main character. We are planning to have two main characters but from these results we can plan the script around the female main character. 

I think this question was useful to ask but an overall answer was not that clear. I think in the end it depends what my trailers end up like and think whilst planning it will come clear whether we need a voice over or not.