Tuesday 25 April 2017

Evaluation One

This is the answer to the first evaluation question:  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? I have answered this question using 'Padlet'. 
Made with Padlet

Evaluation Two

This is the answer to the second evaluation question: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?   I have answered this question using 'WeVideo' and my iphone to record the voice over.

Part One: 

Part Two:

I have created a movie trailer for my film ‘One Last Touch’ which is a time-travel romance about two characters who meet at a party and every time they touch they travel across time. The film follows their journey across time as they fall in love and Will, one of the main characters starts to bump into family members from when they were younger.

My three products, the trailer, film poster and magazine I try to get the genres of the film across to the audience. It is important that the genres being portrayed are consistent across all three products so it doesn’t get confusing for the audience. To keep the products linking together, I have used the same fonts and colour schemes. All three products use the same cursive font for the title of the film. This helps the audience link the three products together and will also make the film more memorable to them.

Whilst we wanted all the conventions of a romance film we wanted to develop this idea. I tried to do this with all three of my products. Propp identified characters from fairy tales that also appear in movies. This is normally very easy to spot in romantic films. We tried to develop this idea by not following the typical stereotype for the characters. So with the story line we made Will the ‘Princess’ and Darcy the ‘Hero’. For example, in this scene at the party, we see Darcy approaching Will not the other way round which is more typical. Another example is that Will has the problems and we see here Darcy gets back to the present day without Will and she has to solve this. With my print products I wanted to tease the audience more than most romance film products do. Most romantic films show the characters clearly in love. Our film is more complicated than that and we wanted to show the complications through the photos used. In my billboard poster they both reach out to each other, but the audience will be curious what exactly their relationship is.

I have also kept the house style the same through all of my products. The colour scheme I have used is a bright colour (slightly different to make it work with the individual product) and white. These colours stand out and look good together. I would say they challenge the conventional colour scheme of a time travel movie, but it does suit the romance genre of my film. The lighting for all three products is kept bright as it is supposed to be a light hearted film and something to keep my audience distracted from everyday life and entertained. This is one of the conventions of a romance film as it’s supposed to be a sweeter story than dark lighting used in films such as a thriller.

Another way all three of my products link together is through the characters. From the uses and gratification theory, it is said that the audience chooses what they want to consume. This means I needed to make I was making what they audience wanted. All three products include the two main characters. Both of the print products include the two main characters from the movie. This is important as the audience will want to see them as that who the movie is about. One thing the consumers want is an entertaining film, but something else. My movie shows social interactions evolving. The film evolves around the formation of the couple and therefore explores social interactions between their romance and also the other character Will and Darcy come across. Due to this it made sense the two main characters feature in all three products.

In my trailer we see the theme of this ‘one touch’ which in our story in the key to the two time travelling. As this is a key element of our story we needed to try and make it shown through our products. Through the combination of music and effects such as slow motion I tried to make it more obvious to the audience of what was happening. I also did this in my billboard poster and movie magazine. In my movie magazine, we can see the characters side by side with them only slightly touching. Again, in my billboard poster we see the character reaching out to each other trying to reach one another. For all three products I have used the same tagline ‘Who knew one touch could cause so much drama’. This tagline has helped combine all three of my products together.

Overall, I think I have combined all three products together well and you can tell that they fit the genre they are supposed to and are all advertising the same movie. The advertisement of a film is important which is why you need to get it right. By linking these products together well it helps make the film more memorable to the audience, which means they are more likely to go watch the movie.

Evaluation Three

This is the answer to the third evaluation question:  What have you learned from your audience feedback? I have answered this question using 'Emaze'.  Powered by emaze

Evaluation Four

This is the answer to the fourth evaluation question:  How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? I have answered this question using 'Prezi'. 

Final Products

Developments of my products

This shows the developments of my three different products. 

Movie Magazine: 

Movie Poster: 


Friday 21 April 2017

Movie Trailer: Intertitles

This was created on 'google slides' to help show the development of my intertitles I did and the reasons behind the final decisions.