Monday 5 December 2016

Risk Assessments

We have used PowToon to create this presentation to give us an idea of what the risks may be when filming in our different locations. This is important as it means we can solve any of the problems and watch out for them before they happen/cause any harm. 


Friday 2 December 2016

Location Contracts

Before filming we needed to get permission to use the locations we wanted to use that were not public. We used these forms and our emails to get permission and to make sure the locations were available when we needed them.

Thursday 1 December 2016

PhotoShoot for cover schedule

I have created this chart to make me organised when taking my photos. 


This script is for the parts set in the 1980S. This is both mine and my partner Hannah Fletcher's ideas.

D: Darcy
W: Will
J: Jess

Scene Six: Dance Class

Will and Darcy are at the back of the class.
Women are packing up.

W: Why didn't you let me go and speak to her!
D: Have you not seen the film 'About Time'? It just seems to dangerous. We can't mess with time!
W: What are you talking about? She was my Grandma! 
(Slowly getting louder when talking to each other causing the women to notice)
Music stops.
Will and Darcy look at each other unsure.
J: Who are you two? 
W: Wait, Mum? What are you doing here?
J: I'm not your mum? I'm the same age as you!
D: Will I don't think this is a good idea